Saturday, September 4, 2010

Julian Rouas Paris: Detailed Shopping Destination

Julian Rouas Paris Inc. has been the world's premier online perfume house offering brand name products. The company is delighted to create a vibrant detailed destination shopping experience that will keep your heart a-flutter.

Owner and founder, Julias Rouas allows you to have customer reviews on all perfumes and colognes that will help select the fragrance that best suits your personality, ignite a night of passion or stir a memory from the past. There is something for everyone, from men to women. Just see it and shop, shopping never smelled so good.

As everyone knows, fragrances often reflect our mood and personality.  A certain scent may smell quite differently on you as each fragrance reacts differently according to our own chemical makeup. Always keep the perfume bottle in a cool dark area to retain its freshness.

Go for lighter scents during the hot weather and keep the stronger scents for the drier, cool weather. People with oily skin can have stronger fragrance as compared to those with dry skin. Apply perfume right after you shower. Some fragrances are designed for all over the body, you can try them by spraying it on the air and walk into it, to have a head to toe experience.